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  • Writer's pictureQueen B

2022 - Let's Talk About It!

A Year of Total Transformation.


This year’s theme for me was learning how to pivot.

Let’s talk about 2022.

It definitely has been the year of total transformation. We all know the saying that the beginning of the year is vastly different from the start of the year. There’s been so many changes. Definitely loss and gains. Physical losses were such a big, big thing. Especially within my family this year. Also, just dynamics changing, in general. Some for the better. some for the worst. The biggest lesson I believe this year has been pivoting. Most times, we plan on planting ourselves somewhere and not plan the transition. Sometimes — most times you have to be ready to pivot. It’s not always setting your sights on one thing .Maybe it’s the Gemini rising in me, but I believe that you have to learn how to pivot.

Pivoting is definitely crucial because you can’t stay in one place. You’re not meant to be in one place forever and that’s with anybody you have to learn about changing your situation for the better in a haste.

We all have experienced the highs of the highs and lows of the lows the year. In all adverse situations, we must remember to afford ourselves grace. Grace brings the compassion that we must seize and utilize for and within ourselves.

I encourage you all to savor the pauses in the moment, extend yourself the utmost grace, and think of every transition as a pivot and not an ending.

Thank you and Be Well!


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