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  • Writer's pictureQueen B

February '24 Wrapped

"I am grateful for what I saw, endured, and overcame" - Bobbi T.M.

The month of love, Black history, and social events was definitely one for the books. February breezed by with not one care. I am grateful for what I saw, endured, and overcame in the month of February. She (the month, itself) was needed. I started the month with packing my very first order for my jewelry business, Limat Jewelry, and planning/ hosting my sister’s birthday party. I ended the month in San Juan, Puerto Rico relaxing and enjoying the warm, tropical weather. I feel that each month offers another facet to one’s personality. You start as one version of yourself, and quickly develop into another by the end of the month. As stated in my January ’24 Recap, the goal was to see my own progress, and that is exactly what I saw by the end. I excited, and oh- so optimistic about what’s to come in the month of March. I encourage you to reflect on your month.

Much love and light to you on this journey!

As always, Be Well!  


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