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  • Writer's pictureQueen B

Get Busy Living

" is important to be rooted in your own sense of self, and living your best life."

-Bobbi T.M.

A famous line from my mother’s favorite movie, Shawshank Redemption, is “get busy living or get busy dying.” That famous line has been replaying in my head for the last year. As mentioned in several blog posts, 2022 was a year of personal upheaval and drastic change. In all of the highs and lows that the past year had brought, one major lesson that was constantly reiterated for me was the importance of being occupied with living. Not surviving, but actually living. Especially with the current state of the world, it important to be rooted in your own sense of self, and living your best life.

I recently took a trip to Atlanta, Georgia and attended Beyoncé’s Renaissance World Tour; all of which took place in the same weekend. I, personally, felt that these two events revitalized my sense of enjoyment in my own life. The weekend’s events truly inspired me to prioritize being busy with living. Living that encompasses enjoyment, excitement, and joy.

The aforementioned moments reignited a passion in me to complete my already drafted goals and new goals. The main goal for me, this year and beyond, was getting busy living. And I’m doing just that. I encourage you all to partake in an activity (or few) that you know will reignite the flame in you to get busy living.

So let’s get to living, y’all!

As always, Be Well✨


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