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  • Writer's pictureQueen B

Let's Talk Spirituality!

Hey y'all. Let's talk about spirituality.

I believe everyone to be spiritual. You are literally a spiritual being having a human experience. Granted, every spirit has a different energy; good, bad, or indifferent.

As humans, our spiritual journeys are inherently different. Some conform to a set religion and/ or doctrine. My maternal family follows the Baptist sector of Christianity. While others, like me, are more open to the variety of ideologies and doctrines that this human experience has to offer us. I

believe every religion/ doctrine has a universal truth. My perspective of spirituality would fall under the category of Pantheism. Essentially, the universe is God and God is the universe. God and the thought of a creator is too great to be compressed into human qualities.

Most black people, as myself, typically follow the religions and practices of our families. Never straying too far from our "set" religion. That sometimes causes us to be so rigid in our ways. We tend to reject most things that aren't familiar. I've decided to break the mold of that conformity.

I love researching different religions and practices. I believe that you can hold your foundational values and be open to other things.

One thing that I've noticed in my studying is that there is essentially one universal truth; honor yourself, honor others as they are merely a reflection of you, and take care of the Earth. God/ the Universe/ The Creator(s) are not separate from you. God/ The Universe is within and around you.

Spirituality is a complex and such a broad topic to view and understand. That is why I believe in the exploration of it. So, my advice is to highlight what is best for your own personal spiritual hygiene.

Be well.



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