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  • Writer's pictureQueen B

Separation for Elevation

"You are only lifting yourself higher to the Source, and your purpose."

Lately, I been noticing the spiritual shift in my world to separate, so that better can come in. The shift has shown up the most in my relationships with others, but has been an overall call in my life. The separation of bad habits, self- limiting thoughts, inconsistency, and dead weight — both physical and mental. It’s time to shed. As I’ve said in other posts, you never know if someone is stepping out of your way for better, or you’re being moved out their way for the better. Either way, it helps in elevating to better. In all things, remember to not fret that’s it over, but smile because you made it through. We become so much better, as humans, when we take time with ourselves. When we nurture ourselves. When we get in tune with our star players — ourselves. When you give up all the things that’s anchoring you down, you begin to float to the top. Feeling lighter and freeing than ever. This can look like shedding tears for the not- so-great moments or reminiscing on the greatest moments thus far. In separating, in whichever way you see fit, you are only lifting yourself higher to the Source, and your purpose.

- Be well!

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Oct 22, 2023

From the 10/21 devotional. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Remember that all good things -your possessions, your family and friends, your health and abilities, your time are gifts from God. Instead of feeling entitled to all these blessings. respond to them with gratitude. Be prepared to let go of anything he takes from you, but never let go of his hand .

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