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  • Him (Papa)

    Original poem from Bobbi T.M.'s debut poetry collection, MindFull Recitals . He was here, there, and nowhere at the same time What my mother calls, “fly by night” Here today Gone tonight Reckless abandon was the literal routine Unfortunately, you get used to the coldness Because closeness and consistency seems unfamiliar I mean the only thing consistent is the inconsistency How funny, yet sad People will declare this issue yours when it’s he who created it How funny, yet sad That he is he here, there, and nowhere at the same time Purchase MindFull Recitals

  • Black Girl Wishes

    Original Poem by Bobbi T.M. Black girl, I hope your light is never dimmed Your grace never forsaken And your hope never taken Black girl, I hope you be all you can Tall in stance  And your ideas given a chance Black girl, I hope you don’t live in fear Have many years And no tears Black girl I hope that your magic is endless Your bounty stupendous  And your beauty tremendous  May your talents be limitless  Black girl Those are my wishes for you

  • Second Best

    Original poem from Bobbi T.M.'s Twenty 2 . Buy Twenty 2 by Bobbi T.M.

  • Be Happy For Me

    Original prose by Bobbi T.M. __________________________________ Without the sarcasm Without the pessimism  Without the passiveness Without the projection  Just be happy for me Because you knew how far I had to go Because you know what I had to endure Because you know what I had to overcome Because I want you to do that one simple thing.  Just be happy for me  To show you care  To show your love To show your humanity  To be happy for me

  • 23 for 23

    An informative and relatable lessons learned by Bobbi T.M. at age 23. 23 was a year of tremendous evolution. In astrologic terms, they say it's a year of solitude, soul- searching, and prayer. Almost like setting the stage to fully battle the spiritual warfare of your life. If you don't know, spiritual warfare is less likely to be physical than it is to be mental, and I definitely gotten the gist of that sentiment this past year. I had to build my mental fortitude. I had to find strength in weakness. A rainbow in the rain. The silver linings in the clouds and the joy in the sorrow. All of it has been beautifully woven together to fashion me into a better woman. In becoming a better woman, I've realized that I've become a better friend to myself; something that I noticed that had been lacking for a while. Realizations bring miracles. I believe that each and every lesson learned this past year of my life has created a slew of wondrous experiences that I am eternally grateful for. I am moving into the 24th year of life with an even- more grateful heart, an accepting disposition of love and all that is good, and opportunity to be a better me in every passing moment. May this word inspire and uplift. As always, Be well!

  • Prelude

    Original prose from Bobbi T.M.'s debut poetry collection, MindFull Recitals. Anonymity serves me just as well as openness I am an ever- evolving person Clothed in a multifaceted allure I am not a monolith I can be described yet not fully defined I am who I am And whoever I choose to be Shop all of Bobbi T.M.'s poetry collections

  • The Nerve of Me

    An original poem from Bobbi's T.M.'s sophomore poetry collection, Twenty2. The nerve of me to let someone steal my joy The nerve of me to let someone dim my light The nerve of me to accept anything half-ass Whew Chile, The nerve of me The nerve of me to subdue my prowess in the face of cowards those who could never walk my walk talk my talk or give my worst on their best days the nerve of me to shortchange myself when it’s time to brag Shop all of Bobbi T.M.'s poetry collections

  • February '24 Wrapped

    "I am grateful for what I saw, endured, and overcame" - Bobbi T.M. The month of love, Black history, and social events was definitely one for the books. February breezed by with not one care. I am grateful for what I saw, endured, and overcame in the month of February. She (the month, itself) was needed. I started the month with packing my very first order for my jewelry business, Limat Jewelry, and planning/ hosting my sister’s birthday party. I ended the month in San Juan, Puerto Rico relaxing and enjoying the warm, tropical weather. I feel that each month offers another facet to one’s personality. You start as one version of yourself, and quickly develop into another by the end of the month. As stated in my January ’24 Recap, the goal was to see my own progress, and that is exactly what I saw by the end. I excited, and oh- so optimistic about what’s to come in the month of March. I encourage you to reflect on your month. Much love and light to you on this journey! As always, Be Well!

  • January 2024 Wrapped

    "Seeing progress will always be the goal!" January 2024 has definitely been many lives in one. I’ve changed and grown so much. It’s like I can feel my frontal lobe developing ahead of me turning 24 this year. I’ve let go of a lot. A lot of burdens. Heartaches and headaches alike. I’ve blossomed and opened up in ways never imagined before. In the last 30 days, I feel like I’ve preserved the best parts of myself. A skill that I had been lacking for some time. I finally feel “grown.” With this growth, I feel totally optimistic about the year ahead; more so my personal year ahead. I’m excited to see how I become better and greater in every aspect. Speaking — and occasionally, writing lol —vitality over myself has been my saving grace thus far. Both in this past month, and for the past few months. I could definitely be the Prozac speaking, but I wanted to give up the hindrances, and I’ve done some. But, I know I could do more. That sentiment is truly a reflection of the month I’ve lived. A beautiful mixture of breaking down and building up better. I encourage you to reflect on your month and see how it sets the tone for the rest of the year. Seeing progress will always be the goal! Much love and light to you on this journey! As always, Be Well!

  • New Year, New Outlook

    "Take your time and all will be well." - Bobbi T.M. Happy 2024! As we start out the year, optimism is definitely felt in the air. However, I feel like there is a call to approach the new year slowly. Not out of fear or hesitation, but out of respect to our full wellness. I’ve had the choice to respect my full wellness by taking a two- week personal, vacation from work. In these two weeks, I realized how much I was operating from an exhausted, deprived state. Again, the only way to approach this is by centering myself; going slow and steady. This is my new outlook for the year. Take your time and all will be well.

  • In The Midst of It All

    In the midst of it all, I remain grateful. In this season of my life, I am coming into full understanding of how no one is exempt from riding the waves of life. These waves can be moments, feelings, and days where you feel so deeply. Experience so much. Cry all the tears you can. The highs of highs, and the lows of lows. In these waves, you have no choice but to surrender. Surrender to the process and surrender to a higher power. In these seasons, you can feel hopeless and like God has counted you out. However, its quite the opposite. These are moments where you can master stillness and maintain gratefulness. In this, I am becoming aware of how to maintain gratefulness because I, wholeheartedly, believe that this is a set- up for a phenomenal testimony. Take the time to set in your season of lessons, and become fully cognizant of what is needed to elevate you to the next levels. You live to love another day. Be Well!

  • Separation for Elevation

    "You are only lifting yourself higher to the Source, and your purpose." Lately, I been noticing the spiritual shift in my world to separate, so that better can come in. The shift has shown up the most in my relationships with others, but has been an overall call in my life. The separation of bad habits, self- limiting thoughts, inconsistency, and dead weight — both physical and mental. It’s time to shed. As I’ve said in other posts, you never know if someone is stepping out of your way for better, or you’re being moved out their way for the better. Either way, it helps in elevating to better. In all things, remember to not fret that’s it over, but smile because you made it through. We become so much better, as humans, when we take time with ourselves. When we nurture ourselves. When we get in tune with our star players — ourselves. When you give up all the things that’s anchoring you down, you begin to float to the top. Feeling lighter and freeing than ever. This can look like shedding tears for the not- so-great moments or reminiscing on the greatest moments thus far. In separating, in whichever way you see fit, you are only lifting yourself higher to the Source, and your purpose. - Be well!

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