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  • No Apology

    Original Prose By Bobbi T.M.

  • Taking Out the Trash

    "Simple trash to treasure, or treasure to trash moments..." - Bobbi T.M. Sometimes, all you need to do to spark momentum, is simply taking out the trash. I’m not just talking about physical trash. I’m talking about the trash thoughts, trash behavior, and trash mentalities. Lately, I’ve felt myself being called to take out physical trash that’s lingering, and some spiritual trash that’s been lingering too long. Taking out the trash allots more space in your life, and overall more room to fully think and fully breathe. On the contrary, while you’re only thinking about easing up your own burdens by taking out the “trash,” you may be also easing the burden in someone’s else’s life. Simple trash to treasure, or treasure to trash moments that happen to be occurring. Be Well!

  • Get Busy Living

    " is important to be rooted in your own sense of self, and living your best life." -Bobbi T.M. A famous line from my mother’s favorite movie, Shawshank Redemption, is “get busy living or get busy dying.” That famous line has been replaying in my head for the last year. As mentioned in several blog posts, 2022 was a year of personal upheaval and drastic change. In all of the highs and lows that the past year had brought, one major lesson that was constantly reiterated for me was the importance of being occupied with living. Not surviving, but actually living. Especially with the current state of the world, it important to be rooted in your own sense of self, and living your best life. I recently took a trip to Atlanta, Georgia and attended Beyoncé’s Renaissance World Tour; all of which took place in the same weekend. I, personally, felt that these two events revitalized my sense of enjoyment in my own life. The weekend’s events truly inspired me to prioritize being busy with living. Living that encompasses enjoyment, excitement, and joy. The aforementioned moments reignited a passion in me to complete my already drafted goals and new goals. The main goal for me, this year and beyond, was getting busy living. And I’m doing just that. I encourage you all to partake in an activity (or few) that you know will reignite the flame in you to get busy living. So let’s get to living, y’all! As always, Be Well✨

  • Reigniting Passion

    "Finding the light at the end of tunnel." A quick vent session (LOL): I recently took a week long break to recuperate from the last few hectic months. A week wasn't long enough, but it definitely helped me to begin evaluating the "clutter" that has surmounted in my life. In meditating, through my own personal woes, I had the profound epiphany that I had lost my passion in doing so many things. The burnout is REAL! And in that, I realized that my passion for my hobbies, jobs, and other things has been diminishing in the last few months. There have been so many highs, but new lows have emerged. Even with recently graduating, accepting a job offer, and being admitted to multiple graduate programs, I don't believe that I've set aside time to revel in it. It's partially due to burnout, and the other due to no longer being passionate. It seems like a double- edged sword. I took some time away from blog content creation, so writing this very post is a halfway attempt to reignite the passion for my creative endeavors. Getting back to the basics, and returning to the very essence of what I initially intended my creative pursuits to be, has helped me tremendously. I understand that fueling passion takes time, so I encourage you all to take the journey with me in reigniting our passions, and returning to our foundational motivations. Be Well. As always, be sure to comment, share, like!

  • Graduation

    Season of Elevation, Growth, & all things Great! I recently graduated college. I received my Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology. I also finished with a 3.8 GPA. "Whew!" is the only sentiment that I can think of for this great feat. My graduation was preceded by my 23rd birthday, and a promotion for work. This past month has been a whirlwind of great things happening for me and to me. I am beyond grateful for all the blessings that I have been receiving. In reflecting on these moments in my life, I realized that this graduation season extends far beyond the academic realm in my life. I’m not just talking about the academic ceremony. I’m talking about the elevation moments in life. Those moments that requires stepping into a new era. New feelings. New people and new things. Excitement is the theme for this new season of my life. I have closed out so many old chapters in my life. A clean slate is in front of me, and I want to seize all the moments that I can.

  • 22 for 22

    22 Lessons Learned at Age 22 by Bobbi T.M. 1. Find your humanity: It is important to remember that you are human, and you are always one choice away from living the same life as someone else. You are not above, nor below anyone. Enjoy the human experience; that is everyone’s commonality. 2. Face the trauma/ Recognize & label abuse: Often times, we reduce our trauma and/ or abuse. We push it to the side, and count it as just a “bad” experience. That has to stop. Your trauma is not yours to keep as an identity. 3. Not everyone gets a chance to cry: This is one of my mom’s favorite quotes. It takes one person to be the symbol of strength. Sometimes, you have to be the engine that keeps the train moving. 4. Grieve out loud: Do not bottle your grief up, and let it spill over. Let yourself feel your emotions and work through those feelings; not against them. 5. Release imposter syndrome: You deserve good things, and everything great. It is not a mistake when greatness arrives on your doorstep. 6. Give yourself grace: Often times, we do ourselves a disservice when we allow others grace, and don’t extend it to ourselves. Give yourself love, patience, and all the comfort that you need. 7. Difference between isolation and solitude: Isolation is not equal to solitude. Don’t isolate yourself from the world hoping that you get the joys of solitude. However, you have to learn how to be comfortable in your solitude. 8. You are far more brilliant than you think: Your ideas are worthy. Your mind is worthy. You are worthy. Stop underestimating yourself. 9. Fortune favors the bold: To get what you want and need, you have to advocate and speak up for yourself. Fortune comes from being bold, and going after exactly what you want. 10. There’s always more: There’s more beyond what you know now. There’s always better. 11. Pretty is as pretty does: An old country saying that stands the test of time. Beauty goes beyond the surface. You can only be as pretty as you act. 12. Brag on yourself: Don’t ever play small. Celebrate yourself along every step of the way. Your existence, and thriving in it is your greatest accomplishment. 13. Quitting is, in fact, for winners: It’s okay to walk away from things that are no longer conducive for all parties involved. Know when to hold, and know when to fold. 14.Take it for what it is, and not what you want it to be: Don’t force change in something, or someone. Let it be what it’s going to be, and move on. 15. Pay for the convenience: Other people are there to help. You cannot do everything, and it’s okay to pay someone to do things for you. 16. Sometimes, you have to get back to the basics: Simplifying your routine, lifestyle, and all other beneficial facets of your life can help you tremendously. 17. You have to go through to get through: You have to grow through what you’re going through. Why stop? You have to feel the journey, and all the other ugly parts to find the joy in making it through. Trouble don’t last always! 18. It doesn’t always come when you want it, but it shows up when you need it: Patience is key in getting exactly what you prayed/ manifested/ asked for. Whatever you asked for is going to come in due time when it’ supposed to. Don’t worry! 19. Make sure to tell your own story: My mother has always emphasized this sentiment. Don’t ever let anyone tell your story. You know your own story better than anyone else. You have to make sure to tell exactly the way you want, and how you want. 20. Less wows, more okays: Stop being surprised by the daily habits of others. Behavior fluctuates, but make sure accept that character remains the same. 21. Don’t set yourself up to get your feelings hurt: Another famous saying of my mother’s. Why keep putting yourself in situations where you can possibly get your feelings hurt time after time. Taking responsibility is the principle here. 22. Do not settle: Your time, energy, love, and overall investment(s) into anything are non- negotiable when it comes to being toyed with. You deserve everything good, great, and wonderful. Those things exist for you. Do not take something, or someone just because it’s there. You are not bubbles – do not settle! This is my 22 Lessons for Age 22. Be well!

  • Remember Me

    An original poem by Bobbi T.M.

  • Open Letter: Understanding

    +Open Letter Series x Bobbi T.M.

  • Open Letter: Journey Back to Self

    First in the series of open letters. Set to the tune of of: Road to Zion x Damian Marley, Nas I wish you a safe return back yourself. A return back to what feels good. To what feels euphoric. To something that gives your soul completeness. That is my current journey. Maybe the internal, perpetual journey that we all must endure. I hope the journey is fostered by gentleness, humility, and the fullness of love. I hope that the journey is navigated with ease. I hope that it fulfills. I hope it endures. I wish you a safe and sound journey back to yourself.

  • Peace

    Original Poem by Bobbi T.M.

  • 2022 - Let's Talk About It!

    A Year of Total Transformation. This year’s theme for me was learning how to pivot. Let’s talk about 2022. It definitely has been the year of total transformation. We all know the saying that the beginning of the year is vastly different from the start of the year. There’s been so many changes. Definitely loss and gains. Physical losses were such a big, big thing. Especially within my family this year. Also, just dynamics changing, in general. Some for the better. some for the worst. The biggest lesson I believe this year has been pivoting. Most times, we plan on planting ourselves somewhere and not plan the transition. Sometimes — most times you have to be ready to pivot. It’s not always setting your sights on one thing .Maybe it’s the Gemini rising in me, but I believe that you have to learn how to pivot. Pivoting is definitely crucial because you can’t stay in one place. You’re not meant to be in one place forever and that’s with anybody you have to learn about changing your situation for the better in a haste. We all have experienced the highs of the highs and lows of the lows the year. In all adverse situations, we must remember to afford ourselves grace. Grace brings the compassion that we must seize and utilize for and within ourselves. I encourage you all to savor the pauses in the moment, extend yourself the utmost grace, and think of every transition as a pivot and not an ending. Thank you and Be Well!

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